Sunflower Strawberries
8" x 10"
Painted on Ampersand Gessobord.
It has been awhile since my last post. I haven't been able to get myself to pick up a brush. That happens from time to time. So I spent my time surfing the net and looking at all the beautiful art work. Usually that gets me going but this time it did not work. Then I started to gather things from the refrigerator and garden arranging some still life(s) and photographing them. I would take maybe 72 pictures to find one or two I liked. I find still life arrangements a lot of work. It is not easy to create compositions that work plus adjusting lighting and strawberries rolling the wrong way.
Well today I started this small one. Tomorrow I hope to added the finishing details: checking the colors and fixing any color that looks muddy and brightening the highlights. It is always easier to do this when the paint is dryer.